Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The Subject of Visual Culture

The Subject of Visual Culture

HI everyone.. Sorry I couldn’t make it to class today.. Feelin’ like shit and wound up in bed all day. Anyway I read the articles last night and they seem to be so frustrating to me! Mirzoeff’s argument was pretty ridiculous in my mind. First of all, I do not have the most amazing vocabulary in the world and this reading was frustrating for me to read on that aspect and his idea about teli-visual war I did not understand at all! I feel that if possibly he made this reading not to be so incredibly for an intellectual reader, I believe maybe I would have understood and felt differently about it. Why do theorists have to use such a strong vocabulary! I actually enjoy reading about certain topics but when the reading is so lame and boring about the same thing over and over again, it makes me hate art theory! Sorry I was so negative about the reading, and the fact that I missed class, but I was going to post last night but thought I should read over everyone else’s posts first and it doesn’t seem to me that I was so out of line with my feelings on the reading in comparison to some others students.

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